Friday, August 27, 2010

One wedding, One funeral, and 10 million hits

Cough! Splutter! Sneeze! Self pitying whimper. August has been a BUSY old time of bits "n" pieces.... My Grandfathers' funeral for a start, which given being a difficult time for the whole family, at least reminds one of what DOES matter in life and what doesn't. It has been good to become re-acquainted with a number of cousins, some I hadn't seen for nearly 20 years!

THis was shortly followed by my doing Best Man duties at my best friend Simon and Sabri's Wedding in London. Didn't lose the rings, and acquitted the speech I think okay - many lovely people said lovely things afterwards, more than politeness called for. Simon's family is truly wonderful - so obliging, welcoming and generous.

Shortly after that I have developed a truly spectacular summer cold which has given me a hacking cough, and truly virulent sneezes, so am drugged up on Lemsip and sipping hot ribenas. Therefore pleased to lift my spirits with the discovery the the Tome and Jerry clip has now passed 10 million hits on you tube and reached No 6 in the all time UK most popular Youtube chart for animation. Otherwise I have three different musicals on the go and a uni term to prepare for. And I really ought to take that weeks holiday before I burn out properly....