Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer colds

Being hectic recently with Southampton University things as well as another project in London I will reveal more about later on. I am currently struggling with a really nasty summer cold and and have hacking cough and a throat that feels likes it been sand-papered. Urgh. I have a number of projects to look forward to in the summer so I hope to shake it off soon. I hate being ill (I think almost everyone does) especially when we have a bright sunshiney day....

Friday, May 08, 2009

More orchestration work

Yee hah! I LOVE spring. My favourite season really. I love the gentle arrival of early summer, and the quality of morning sunlight in May here in the south of England. The longer days. The smell of cut grass...  It may also be I feel this way because I have a birthday hereabouts (the big 33 this year.... eek).

I have some orchestration work on at the mo -  something for a film (more on this to come) and some pop music orchestration and some writing stuff which is taking me to Londinium next week. And hopefully a couple of longer term projects will begin to brew too...