Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Heavy snow round where I live which is unusual for my part of the world. Quite unusually huge snowflakes falling thick, fast and silently. Had a quick evening stroll in the serene beauty: a really transcendental experience. Looked and felt like a movie set: just needed a soundtrack and some well-timed comedy one-liners and it could be a Nancy Myers/Nora Ephron movie.

Am finishing off the semester at university for the coming week , and doing more REALLY glamorous maintenance things (tax returns, lecture prep, buying new samples- yes it IS a Nora Ehron movie... hang on..). My flat is still icy cold (big room no double glazing) so getting up in the sub-zero mornings requires the the most determined stoic will-power I can muster.

Coming back to it has felt a tad surreal after a welcome few days off where I visited my home from home in Devon as I do each new year: spend a lovely day with Jimbo and his family - my thanks to Nigel and Anne for making it so wonderful as they always do. You guys rock.

I have some exciting projects looking through the new year - as ever more on these to come, but it will be a busy Jan/Feb/March. 

If you are reading this in a blizzard, do take care in the snow. I had my car brakes fail on me this evening on the ice (and I was doing all of 7 miles an hour on an empty un-gritted road on a very mild slope and yet the vehicle still skidded and hit the curb - nothing dented, no one hurt but a warning nonetheless...)