Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Weddings

Phewee! Just arrived back from France where I watched my very good friend Jimbo get married to Marie-Cecile. It was a beautiful ceremony, and a large (and extremely long) wedding feast in a spectacular chateau near Nantes. It was a truly wonderful and memorable (and funny) time in what proved to be utterly fantastic weather. It has been great to take a break for a few days and kick back a little with friends I haven't seen for ages, as well as a great opportunity to making some new friends - a lot of good people there. I return with a sun 'tan' this side of painful, and the surprising discovery that Boules, when played with the appropriate participants, audience and commentary can become a sport of truly epic melodrama!

Am back now, to put my sunburnt nose to the proverbial grindstone.....


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