Saturday, February 09, 2008

More film and TV stuff

Some of the mysterious things I've been up to recently include the orchestration for the BBC TV series Robin Hood that the main orchestrator, David Butterworth (an incredibly talented and generous man), put my way in November last year.

In December / January I was involved with the orchestration of the Working Title film Wild Child which I also got from David. It was a huge amount of fun.

Now I am currently on sabbatical from university for the next semester (until June 2008) and I hope to get my teeth into some more composition: I have a series of exciting projects on the boil at the moment.

As I type this I am at my friend Jim's lovely pad where he has so kindly once again provided his comprehensive cyber knowledge to enable me to update the website. Please have a look.

Once again I am impossibly grateful. Thanks Jim.


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